It's an exciting time to support international development...
But how do you begin? Who should you support? How can you make the most difference?
Step TWO: Continue learning by joining a community of internationally oriented donors – NEID Global
All proceeds go to NEID Global, a community of internationally oriented donors that can further support your philanthropy journey through ongoing learning.
Smart Donors…Make a Difference - International Edition
Seven Modules – 24 Lively Videos
Each module consists of short videos that use a mix of live case studies, background information, useful advice, and even a few myth busters.
By filling out the accompanying workbook, you’ll end the course with a personal roadmap for your international charitable giving.
The Curriculum
- Module One - Your Giving Roadmap
Welcome to Smart Donors… Make a Difference – International Edition, the short course that will empower you to make more thoughtful and effective decisions about your charitable giving overseas – and feel more satisfaction about the difference you are making.
- Module Two - The International Giving Landscape
This section is an overview of the evolution of international assistance over the past decades, as well as challenges and opportunities for the future.
- Module Three - What Interests You?
The single most important decision you can make to ensure your gift makes a difference is choosing the right cause and, especially, the right issue area within that cause.
- Module Four - Why Is This Happening?
This module offers simple tools for donors to better understand the issue they have selected before deciding which solution to support.
- Module Five - What Pathways To Change?
This module will show you different the different approaches international funders can use to help make change happen through the organizations or initiatives they support.
- Module Six - What is Impact?
“Impact” is one of the most misused (and misunderstood) terms in charitable giving. This module is a primer on the basic concepts smart donors should grasp to understand if they are making a difference.
- Module Seven - Who is Making the Most Difference?
By this point, you will have chosen a cause and issue area within it, performed enough basic research about the issue to know which approaches and solutions you wish to support, and created a short list of organizations that fulfill these criteria. In this module, you’ll learn how an American donor can engage in international initiatives. We’ll also look at powerful ways to make the most difference by supporting grassroots organizations. And we’ll end with a review of buzzwords and concepts you may encounter as you launch your international giving journey.
- Conclusion - Your Engagement
This final session will help you complete your roadmap and will also highlight ways – beyond making donations – you can make a difference globally.

Smart Donors… Make a Difference courses are produced by SylviaBrownSmartDonors and distributed through Uplifting Journeys L3C, a social enterprise providing donor education materials in the US and UK.